Thursday, April 17, 2008

Planting, painting, general nonsense

Good morning! (almost afternoon I suppose)
We're getting ready for a busy weekend of planting, painting, and some general yard work. Hurray! We've finally got a sign out front (pictures to come!) and should be doing some work on the upstairs part of the store when my parents come to town. It's been great porch sitting weather. I still haven't got over that there's grass growing out there! What a novelty after months of snow. Jake has great dreams of growing a pumpkin patch. I have great dreams of growing an herb garden. Hopefully we'll have both this year!

In other news... I 've got a little online shop up and running for The Wildwood Flower with craft items on Etsy:
Buy Handmade

More from us soon!


Sarah K said...

love all the new wares! i would also be oh-so-happy if now that you've got your great big house with a great big sign, you grew a great big pumpkin out back. afterall, in neighboring Keene NH is the largest pumpkin fest in the country!

Chris said...

Jake, I have actually never been prouder of anything done by anyone I know, congratulations

The Wildwood Flower said...

Thanks! Which Chris are you!? You devil, we're getting confused! We miss you, anyhow!

The Wildwood Flower said...

Hi Sarah,
We are bad blog users! We have big plans to grow a BIG pumpkin... also tiny moon pumpkins. Wish it would stop raining here so we could set to work on that...